An AML file contains script commands to create user interfaces and manipulate map data. The proprietary Arc Macro Language was designed by ESRI in 1986 for the ArcInfo GIS system. AML files are plain ...
An AML file contains script commands to create user interfaces and manipulate map data. The proprietary Arc Macro Language was designed by ESRI in 1986 for the ArcInfo GIS system. AML files are plain text files following AML syntax based on the CPL shell language. The ARC Macro Language is for generating ArcInfo applications. AML is a markup language similar to HTML or XML, used by AutoMate to build automation solutions in Windows. An AML file may store hardware instructions for Mac OS X in the root directory. It uses the ACPI Machine Language for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface. This low level language configures hardware properties and boots Mac OS X on non-Apple hardware. AML refers to multiple file types – GIS scripting, software modeling, system configuration. Identifying the specific context of an AML file is important for proper usage.