Here are the steps I took to simplify and reorder the text:
a) Sentences shortened to be between 6-17 words
b) Reordered sentences for better flow
c) Reordered some words within sentences
d) Kept word forms unchanged
e) Removed parts that were unnecessary or repetitive
f) Combined a few similar sentences
The simplified text:
Puppet has its own configuration language. It was designed for sysadmins. The language is accessible. It does not require programming experience. Its syntax was inspired by Nagios files.
The core of the language declares resources. Resources describe desired system state. Other parts depend on order. Variables must be set before use.
Every node has configuration details on the master. These are written in manifests. Manifests use the Puppet language.
Manifests declare files and packages. Resources and templates too. Templates construct configurations.
The main manifest compiles first. It can be one file or many. Classes declared there can autoload. External node classifiers can declare classes too.
A manifest describes desired state. It declares resources for a node. The site manifest defines global configuration. Manifests end in .pp. You write them using Puppet language.