.WRF File Extension

WebEx Recording Format

A WRF file records videos created by Cisco WebEx Recorder, a screen recording program part of Cisco WebEx. Typically, WRF files store training videos or demonstrations viewable in the freely available...

General Information

Title WRF File Extension
Extension .wrf
Full Form WebEx Recording Format
File Type Video Recording File
Developer Cisco Systems
MIME Type application/webex

File Function

Primary Function Store video
Additional Functions Store audio, cursor movements
Features Integrated playback, Proprietary format

File Characteristics

Quality Depends on recording
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable With editor

Use Cases

Web Conferencing Yes
Training Sessions Yes
Presentations Yes
E-Learning Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Unauthorized access
Best Practices Regular updates, Access controls

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release N/A
Latest Version Varies with WebEx version

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .arf, .mp4

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
WebEx Player Free Windows, Mac
WebEx Network Recording Player Free with WebEx Windows, Mac
WebEx Recording Editor Free with WebEx Windows